This course is like no other course you will take.
The main curriculum we will use as our guide in this course was developed and written by an amazing Mother, Healer & Homeopath - Joette Calabrese. Over the past 15 years Joette has taught me an amazing amount about how to uproot and care for myself, my family and friends through the elegance of Practical Homeopathy and the Banerji Protocols.
I infuse into this course my own flavor of what I have learned over the past 25 years of being on a healing journey through my significant health challenges and my commitment to natural medicine. I am a student of Ayurveda, Ayurveda from a Living Foods Perspective, Gabriel Cousens, Weston Price, Sally Fallon, Homeopathy, Western Herbalism and the Red Road. I am also a Living Food-trained chef who infuses recipes with Weston Price Foundation principles & Ayurvedic balancing methods.
If you are like me, you are determined, and are active in your quest for holistic health for yourself, your family & your friends. Even if your children are already grown, the value of knowing how to treat yourself, partner, friends and your grown children is invaluable.
What’s Included in this Course?
When does this class start & end?
The course begins Sunday March 23, 2025 and runs through April 27, 2025, with an additional LIVE Q& A session with Joette on a Monday eve in April 2025. All classes are Pacific Standard Time.
How do I join this Course?
First you need to purchase the Gateway to Practical Homeopathy 1 2nd edition Curriculum from Joette Calabrese's website. Upon purchasing you will receive a robust booklet in the mail at your home to follow along the course with.
STEP 2: REGISTER $50 via Venmo (@jenn-paez)
You must register by March 20, 2025 to reserve your spot. All classes will be held via Zoom and are in Pacific Standard Time.
Preview of The Weekly Lessons
Week 1 Intro to Homeopathy
Week 2 Delving Deeper
Week 3 Emergency Medicine
Week 4 The Banerjis, Protocols and Practical Homeopathy
Week 5 Protocols & Chronic Conditions
Week 6 Reviewing & Questions
Week 7 Q & A with Joette Calabrese
Monday in June 5-630 pm PST (date/time may shift)
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I need to miss a class?
Life happens and you may need to miss a class. Regular attendance is crucial for you to get the highest benefit from the class, but missing happens and it's ok! You can only miss one class to still receive the certificate.
Are the classes recorded so I can listen at a different time?
They will not be recorded for privacy of the attendees as well as copyright laws on Joette's material in her curriculum.
Can I take this class if I am not a mama?
Of course! This class is open to all. I simply have the most experience as a mama who uses only homeopathic remedies to care for her child - and would love to help other mamas be able to as well!
QR Codes
Please pay $50 by March 20 to reserve your spot. @jenn-paez